Wednesday 1 March 2017

Diatoms among bryophytes on rotten log

I was captivated by the assemblage of pennate diatoms that were living among the leaves of bryophytes that we sampled from a rotten Sitka Spruce log in Rheola Forest a few days ago. There were are least 8 different morphological types in the assemblage including species (tentative identification) of  Achnanthidium, Eunotia, Fragilaria, Navicula and PinnulariaHere's a few photos:


  1. Sounds an intriguing community - I do enjoy diatom diversity, but I've never attempted to name them.

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  3. Charles, great stuff ! Im going to add a list of algae from petrifying springs in South Wales, compiled by Chris Carter. I also have some SEM images from diatoms on Eucladium ...ill find them another time !

  4. Lovely photos Charles. I see plenty of diatoms among bryo samples collected from wet places, but like Barry have never tried to name them.
