Wednesday 14 November 2018

Kerbstone query

One query from last week's Vale outing was this small, spidery-looking acrocarp found on a shaded roadside kerbstone near Llysworney. Longest leaves are 1.5mm long. It was probably growing on a thin layer of soil, so Didymodon umbrosus might be a possibility - but would this have such incrassate cells? Selection of microscope pics below; any thoughts welcome.


  1. It resembles a Didymodon and there aren't too many with plane leaf margins. I would suggest investigating the characters of sinuous to start with?

  2. Thanks Barry. That was my first thought and there was some sinuosus nearby, but this was smaller and didn't have any leaves with missing tips - also the tips were less irregular than on the sinuosus samples I've examined.

  3. I sent the sample to Tom Blockeel and he determined it as sinuosus - good call Barry!
