Sunday, 14 December 2014

subsp. & vars. continued

I have added a few more queries (in yellow) to the subsp. & vars. guidance tab for Sam to comment on. I'll try and go through them alphabetically and once Sam has suggested how we record each taxon it would be great if folks can adjust their records in MapMate accordingly, so we can sort out homes for the binomial, trinomial and variety orphans.

Sam I'm hoping you will now be permitted to edit this page, but if it's easier for you to simply add a comment then do whatever is easiest for you.


  1. Thanks Barry. I think Hypnum cupressiforme needs sorting out too.

  2. Done Barry's ones. Need to think about Hypnum and a few others.

  3. Thanks for that Sam.
    Andreaea rupestris: Now all edited to var. rupestris
    Bryum pseudotriquetrum: There is no s.l. option in MM, so we will stick with the binomial unless plants are det to var. There are just 2 records of var. pseudotriquetrum for Charles to edit (unless they were det to var. of course).
    Campylopus atrovirens: Now all edited to var. atrovirens.
    Campylopus pyriformis: If we stick with the binomial then there are just 4 var. pyriformis records of yours. Are you ok for me to edit these to the binomial so they sit with the others?

  4. NB - I've added 'E's & 'F's to the list.

  5. Charles, if you're happy to edit your 22 records (plus any subsequent ones since your last sync) of Zygodon conoideus var. conoideus to the binomial, this will clear up this taxon as I've now edited all mine this way.

  6. I've just done the E's and F's...

  7. Iv'e changed all the Fontinalis antipyretica to var. antipyretica (Charles has a bout 20 to do and Mark has one, then we should be sorted). As for F. squamosa, there's a hint of uncertainty our plants will all be the nominate var, so shall we just leave them as they are in the binomial form? There aren't many so it's no big task to change them if necessary.

  8. PS. I'm not sure why your text keeps coming up as black. I correct this simply by cutting it, pasting it into Notepad (which removes the formatting), then when it's pasted back into the blog editor it returns as the default font.

  9. All our squamosa will be var squamosa - the other vars look very different

  10. Thanks, I'll edit mine and Charles has a few to do.
    I've added G's & H's, which includes the dreaded Hypnum...
