subsp. & vars.

To provide a consistent approach to recording the following guidance is provided by Sam: 
[NB I have annotated Sam's notes to show the status of the vc41 db, green indicates some editing is required and blue to show no further editing is required, but that does not necessarily include data not yet synced]

Amblystegium serpens (use var. serpens as default away from cliffs, dunes and saltmarsh where you need to check carefully for var salinum; record unchecked coastal Amblystegium as binomial) 
 [BS 15-Dec-14 vc41 update: db with 236 var. serpens, 10 var. salinum ... 25 binomial to be edited]

Atrichum undulatum (all should be var. undulatum but only need to record as binomial)
 [17-Dec-14 vc41 update: db with 915 binomial ... 3 var. undulatum to be edited]

Andreaea rothii (subsp. falcata should be used unless you have good reason to think you've got var. rothii or intermediate rothii-falcata)
 [17-Dec-14 vc41 update: db with 24 var. falcata  ... 1 binomial to be edited]

Andreaea rupestris (most Glamorgan plants are likely to be var. rupestris and should be recorded as that unless they are definitely the much narrower-leaved intermediate plant that is present in mid and N Wales but is much rarer)
 [17-Dec-14 vc41 update: db with 3 var. rupestris  ... edits complete]

Barbula convoluta (the vars do matter a lot because they are usually now regarded as full species. Please record them carefully to var, using the binomial only for non-checked examples)
 [17-Dec-14 vc41 update: db with 233 var. convoluta & x var. sardoa & 1 s.l. ... edits complete]

Bryum capillare (assign these to var. capillare unless there is a good reason to expect them to be var. rufifolium.  The latter may be present on Gower limestone, but is a tricky thing that probably intergrades with var. capillare.  Any 'good' var. rufifolium should be very distinctive.) [There are almost 600 records to edit here, but thankfully MM lumps var. capillare with the binomial, so they get mapped together in any case. As Sam suggests it's worth recording as 
var. capillare, so when we/if do go for the big edit, the task will be easier. BS]
 [17-Dec-14 vc41 update: db with 595 binomial & 49 var. capillare ... ]

Bryum pseudotriquetrum  (record as the binomial or sensu lato unless the sex of plants has been checked by dissection; var. bimum seems to be slightly commoner than var. pseudotriquetrum in S Wales but I (SDSB) don't find fruiting plants very often and even less often feel inspired to dissect the inflorescences.)
 [17-Dec-14 vc41 update: db with 331 binomial & 1 var. bimum ... 2 var. pseudotriquetrum to be checked/edited]

Campylopus atrovirens (record as var. atrovirens; var. falcata is usually very distinctive and is highly unlikely to be found in Glamorgan anyway)
 [17-Dec-14 update: db with 22 binomial entries ... edits complete]

Campylopus pyriformis (other vars. have now been scrapped but there's at least one older record of 'var. azoricus' in the Flora I think; I always record it as the binomial because the vars. seem rather ill-defined and I could never be sure I wasn't overlooking var. azoricus.)
 [17-Dec-14 vc41 update: db with 89 binomial entries ... edits complete]

Ceratodon purpureus (C. conicus is treated separately in MM. All our stuff is purpureus, but there's a chance someone could find C. conicus on a base-rich brownfield site...)

 [17-Dec-14 vc41 update: db with 608 entries for purpureus, 0 for conicus ... edits complete]

Chiloscyphus pallescens/polyanthos (different people do Chiloscyphus in different ways.  The purists record only fertile material because of bract and perianth characters.  A Nordic Flora splits the two species on paleness and suggests that the bract and perianth characters don't work. It is probably best to record dark green plants on rocks in streams and rivers as C. polyanthos as any fertile material I have seen from this habitat is that species; pale green plants from flushes and fens as C. pallescens; pale plants on clay tracks or damp woodland mud as C. pallescens; and anything ambiguous as sensu lato or agg. for example non-fertile plants on stones in a flush or on a muddy riverbank.)

Ctendium molluscum (record var. molluscum as default taxon unless other var. suspected)

Dichodontium pellucidum (great care is needed with these because the leaf characters in Smith have not been proven conclusively; assign fruiting plants to D. pellucidum or D. flavescens on capsule characters and all non-fruiting plants to D. pellucidum sensu lato except for the very short-leaved specimens found eg on forestry tracks or in calcareous grassland as those are always pellucidum sensu stricto)

Ephemerum: (record serratum sensu stricto and minutissimum only when fruiting as spores need to be checked, otherwise record serratum sensu lato.  This year we've had E. sessile and E. recurvifolium confirmed as new, but they are entirely different to the serratum agg.  Theoretically E. sessile should be called E. crassinervium subsp. sessile but I doubt MapMate is using that recent lumping.  The other E. crassinervium subspecies in Britain, subsp. rutheanum, is present in Carms and Mons so could be in Glam too.)

Fissidens bryoides: (184 records listed as sens. lat., 130 as var. bryoides and 9 as var. caespitans. This is very difficult.  I suspect that most if not all of the 184 sens. lat. are what is now called var. bryoides.  I'm sure that var. caespitans will always have been recorded separately, maybe as F. curnovii (see below))

Fissidens curnovii (is still the name I use for F. bryoides var cespitans, but we will need to be very careful with F bryoides to ensure that our bog-standard thing is not being treated as s.l.)

Fissidens taxifolius: (254 records listed as binomial & 169 as var. taxifolius – all of the binomial need to be changed to var. taxifolius unless they specifically say 'intermediate to var. pallidicaulis. It's possible that intermediates or even true pallidicaulis might be found in N Glam, but every other F. taxifolius should be recorded as var. taxifolius)

Fissidens viridulus: (45 records listed as binomial & 24 as s.l.; this is likely to be a hangover from the past, when viridulus s.l. included F. pusillus.  Post-1990 records should all be to species level unless they are genuinely intermediate.)

Fontinalis antipyretica: (record as var. antipyretica unless there's a good reason to suspect var. gigantea or var. gracilis.  The former may be found in lime-rich lakes and the latter in upland streams, but both will be very rare in Glamorgan.)
 [17-Dec-14 vc41 update: db with 122 var. antipyretica entries ... 20 binomial to be edited]

Fontinalis squamosa: (all are bound to be var. squamosa)
 [17-Dec-14 vc41 update: db with 7 var. squamosa entries ... 1 binomial to be edited]

Fossombronia caespitiformis: (3 records listed as this & 6 as husnotii, which MM treats as a synonym of caespitiformis.  This is problematic because I (SDSB) disagree with the BBS approach to this species pair and consider F. husnotii to be distinct from F. caespitiformis sensu stricto.  The latter could be in Glamorgan arable and is present in vc35 and vc45, but has not yet been found.  If MM insists on using caespitiformis then the notes field must say "form with hyaline rhizoids also known as F. husnotii")
 [17-Dec-14 vc41 update: db with 9 syn. husnotii entries ... edits complete]

Grimmia pulvinata (287 records of binomial & 24 records of var. pulvinata)

Hedwigia ciliata 2 (Rhossili 1969 & Taf Fechan 1963)

Heterocladium heteropterum (17 records of binomial, plus 9 of var. flaccidum & 18 of var. heteropterum)

Hygrohypnum luridum (16 records of binomial & 2 of var. luridum)

Hymenostylium recurvirostrum (2 records listed as sens. lat. & 2 of var. recurvirostrum)

Hypnum cupressiforme (There are 578 records of binomial, the rest as follows)
Hypnum cupressiforme agg. 542
Hypnum cupressiforme var. cupressiforme 451
Hypnum cupressiforme var. lacunosum 226
Hypnum lacunosum var. lacunosum 28
Hypnum lacunosum var. tectorum 1

Hypnum cupressiforme var. resupinatum 70

Isothecium myosuroides (should always be recorded as var. myosuroides unless you have a good reason to think it's var. brachythecioides, which is present, but rare, on the BBNP crags)

Marsupella emarginata (record as var. emarginata unless you find var. aquatica, only using the binomial for intermediate stuff)

Zygodon conoideus (is all var. conoideus over here, but it's probably just as easy to record all as binomial. There's no chance of var. lingulatus)

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