Sunday, 26 November 2017

Cwm Clydach (CCS)

It's been a while since I've indulged in any serious recreational bryology, so today it was good to get out and enjoy a 500m search of a tributary of the Lower Clydach River (centred at SN677066). Although this was an attractive little wooded valley, it was generally rather open and lacked any waterfalls or crags. Nevertheless a few noteworthy species were recorded including Odontoschisma denudatum (5 different logs scattered evenly along my walk - 4th vc tetrad), Barbilophozia attenuata (4th vcr), Dicranodontium denudatum (4th vcr), plus a potential candidate for Philonotis arnellii (below, top two images), though my sample although distinct, seemed bigger than I might have expected arnellii to be. An examination of the older leaves shows the cells in the outer 1/3 of the leaf has distal mammillae, but I need a more focused re-examination of my specimen to consider other perhaps more likely possibilities.

Below, Odontoschisma denudatum locations (also on log in top photo): 

1 comment:

  1. After a quick look on line it would appear the Philonotis isn't arnellii, both on size and leaf shape.
