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Orthotrichum sprucei |
Saturday, 31 October 2015
River Loughor epiphytes
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Clyne Gardens tree stump
There's nothing particularly remarkable about this stump,
which supported a modest selection of typical stump species, including some
nice patches of Lepidozia reptans (photo below). However, one thing I've not
encountered before was finding Microlejeunea ulicina growing on the shoots of Polytrichastrum
formosum, the latter acting as pseudo-phorophyte for the normally arboreal M. ulicina.
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Campylium on forestry tracks
Campylium protensum has made a taxonomic quantum leap from a variety of Campylium stellatum to a full species and the two taxa can be difficult to separate with puzzling intermediates. After seeing Barry's recent post on the Abercanaid road cutting, where he showed a striking population of Campylium protensum, I wondered whether we've been overlooking this species in NPT and, in particular, misidentifying Campylium stellatum.
We've recorded Campylium stellatum along a number of forest tracks, e.g. there is a significant population in the Rhigos/Cwm-hwnt forestry on the border with RCT and others in the Rheola/Resolven forests (and doubtless, elsewhere). We haven't been able to check all the populations, but we've reviewed the Cwm-hwnt plants and one of the Resolven populations.The habit and morphology of these plants are the same, so I am satisfied that, at least, they are the same taxon.
The photograph below shows the Cwm-hwnt habitat with scattered Campylium colonies.
The colonies are pale green, fairly compact and consist of upright plants. Typical associates include Bryum psudotriquetrum, Calliergonella cuspidata, Cratoneuron filicinum, Ctenidium molluscum and Fissidens adianthoides and you might describe this as a base-rich flush.
We've recorded Campylium stellatum along a number of forest tracks, e.g. there is a significant population in the Rhigos/Cwm-hwnt forestry on the border with RCT and others in the Rheola/Resolven forests (and doubtless, elsewhere). We haven't been able to check all the populations, but we've reviewed the Cwm-hwnt plants and one of the Resolven populations.The habit and morphology of these plants are the same, so I am satisfied that, at least, they are the same taxon.
The photograph below shows the Cwm-hwnt habitat with scattered Campylium colonies.
Campylium habitat, Cwm-hwnt
Campylium habit, Cwm-hwnt
The plants, which have a very nice scent (I've not seen that described elsewhere), are small but their size falls within a range for both protensum and stellatum. They are not as large as some plants I've seen in dune slacks. The are not prostrate but some plants have some pinnate branching.
Campylium, Cwm-hwnt
The Campylium key in Smith separates the two species on the basis of habit (prostrate = protensum versus upright = stellatum), the relative length of the acumen (in abruptly narrowed leaves) and in the anatomy of the leaf - whether alar cells form distinct auricles.
In all the colonies I examined, there were no prostrate plants.The longest acumen I could find was 65% of the total leaf length. This is at the upper limit for stellatum (the acumen can be much longer in protensum). Some leaves show a squarrose tendency, which is a protensum characteristic, but this is not a prominent feature (see photo above):
Abruptly narrowed Campylium leaf showing acumen
And the alar cells form distinct auricles (which is a feature of stellatum):
Campylium leaf showing alar cells and auricles (note slightly squarrose leaf tip).
On balance, I think these forestry track plants are Campylium stellatum, although the habitat may seem suitable for Campylium protensum. Comments and opinions on my interpretation please.
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Abercanaid query
There were some scrappy shoots amongst the Fissidens adianthoides, which at first glance looked like an interesting Cephalozia, but I'm suspecting they may just be young shoots of Lophozia excisa. Given the habitat of basic seepage on a road cutting, the latter is perhaps more likely, but without any fertile parts or gemmae it may best just be forgotten? Any comments welcome before I do just that.
NB smallest tick marks on low power images = 25µm and at higher power = 2.5µm. The largest shoots I could find were just over 1mm wide.
NB smallest tick marks on low power images = 25µm and at higher power = 2.5µm. The largest shoots I could find were just over 1mm wide.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Abercanaid road cutting
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Light green patches are Campylium protensum |
left: C. protensum & D. inclinatum, right D. inclinatum
An opportune and totally random stop just off the A470 for a 15 minute bash to boost SO00R produced some useful records including Distichium inclinatum, Gymnostomum aeruginosum and some lovely dense cushions of Campylium protensum. The cutting was well vegetated with quite a lot of scrub, but open areas with loose shale and the occasional rock exposure supported a distinct suite of seepage calicoles, with the above species all being well represented.![]() |
Campylium protensum |
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Distichium inclinatum (NB capsules occasional, just not on this bit) |
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Loeskeobryum habitat and distribution in Neath Port Talbot
Loeskeobryum brevirostre, Cwm-hwnt forestry, NPT
Here's an update on the distribution of Loeskeobryum brevirostre in Glamorgan (tetrads), at least according to my current Mapmate records, All records (except for one in the Pyrddin Valley, Brecon side of the river) are for NPT, where it is most frequently associated with larch, particularly on reclaimed coal tips and open cast. There is plenty of this habitat elsewhere in Glamorgan, e.g. in Bridgend and RCT. There may be less suitable habitat in Swansea but the Penllegaer plantation may be good place to look for it. This is a relatively new ecology for this species but its association with coal tips has been mentioned before. In the Pyrddin Valley it is found in a more 'native', humid-ravine type habitat.
Apparent distribution of Loeskeobryum brevirostre in Glamorgan
Other interesting species that occur in similar places include Sanionia uncinata.
Sanionia uncinata. Cwm-hwnt Forestry
Something Spanish
A couple of samples collected from the Costa Brava a few weeks back, during a brief excursion following my niece's wedding. It's not beyond the realms of possibility one of these species could turn up in Glamorgan, the former more likely given it's occurrence in Monmouthshire. [NB both sample id's unverified]
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Hedwigia ciliata var. leucophaea |
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Plasteurhynchium (Eurhynchium) meridionale |
Forestry tracks
Charles asked for a rundown of the bryophytes I have found on forestry tracks in Carmarthenshire. The following is an update of the table we included in Mosses and Liverworts of Carmarthenshire; there's a similar one in my Pembs Flora too. It comprises 1006 records of 122 taxa recorded by me (rather than any other Carms bryologists) on forestry tracks (as opposed to banks or ditches by those tracks). Clearly these are not rigorously scientific records, although I have been pretty consistent in noting habitat - the greater number of records of Campylopus subulatus than Calliergonella cuspidata reflects its perceived rarity and therefore a greater number of one-off records (perhaps I should filter them by tetrad/monad). Anyway, they give a general impression of the richness of this habitat!!
1: sorted by taxon
Archidium alternifolium | 19 |
Atrichum undulatum | 16 |
Aulacomnium palustre | 1 |
Barbula convoluta var. convoluta | 7 |
Barbula unguiculata | 15 |
Blasia pusilla | 2 |
Brachythecium albicans | 4 |
Brachythecium rivulare | 2 |
Brachythecium rutabulum | 6 |
Breutelia chrysocoma | 8 |
Bryoerythrophyllum ferruginascens | 3 |
Bryum alpinum | 28 |
Bryum argenteum | 1 |
Bryum capillare var. capillare | 2 |
Bryum dichotomum | 14 |
Bryum pallens | 1 |
Bryum pseudotriquetrum s.l. | 6 |
Bryum rubens | 1 |
Bryum subapiculatum | 2 |
Calliergonella cuspidata | 25 |
Campylopus introflexus | 12 |
Campylopus pyriformis | 2 |
Campylopus subulatus | 29 |
Cephalozia bicuspidata | 1 |
Cephaloziella divaricata | 1 |
Cephaloziella hampeana | 1 |
Cephaloziella sp. | 4 |
Ceratodon purpureus | 22 |
Cratoneuron filicinum | 14 |
Ctenidium molluscum var. molluscum | 1 |
Dichodontium pellucidum | 1 |
Dichodontium sp. | 1 |
Dicranella heteromalla | 3 |
Dicranella palustris | 2 |
Dicranella rufescens | 11 |
Dicranella schreberiana | 1 |
Dicranella staphylina | 2 |
Dicranella subulata | 1 |
Dicranella varia | 11 |
Dicranum majus | 1 |
Dicranum scoparium | 6 |
Didymodon fallax | 19 |
Didymodon ferrugineus | 2 |
Didymodon insulanus | 5 |
Diplophyllum albicans | 6 |
Diplophyllum obtusifolium | 1 |
Ditrichum cylindricum | 7 |
Ditrichum gracile | 1 |
Ditrichum heteromallum | 7 |
Ditrichum lineare | 2 |
Drepanocladus aduncus | 1 |
Eurhynchium praelongum | 9 |
Fissidens bryoides | 3 |
Fissidens celticus | 1 |
Fissidens exilis | 2 |
Fissidens taxifolius subsp. taxifolius | 3 |
Fossombronia incurva | 2 |
Fossombronia pusilla | 3 |
Fossombronia sp. | 2 |
Fossombronia wondraczekii | 9 |
Funaria hygrometrica | 4 |
Gymnocolea inflata | 1 |
Hylocomium splendens | 8 |
Hypnum cupressiforme | 2 |
Hypnum jutlandicum | 22 |
Hypnum lindbergii | 27 |
Jungermannia gracillima | 30 |
Jungermannia hyalina | 1 |
Lophocolea bidentata | 6 |
Marsupella emarginata var. emarginata | 2 |
Mnium hornum | 1 |
Nardia scalaris | 18 |
Oligotrichum hercynicum | 20 |
Pellia endiviifolia | 1 |
Pellia epiphylla | 5 |
Pellia neesiana | 8 |
Phaeoceros laevis | 1 |
Philonotis fontana | 27 |
Plagiomnium undulatum | 2 |
Pleuridium acuminatum | 4 |
Pleuridium subulatum | 3 |
Pleurozium schreberi | 1 |
Pogonatum aloides | 8 |
Pogonatum urnigerum | 56 |
Pohlia annotina | 43 |
Pohlia camptotrachela | 6 |
Pohlia drummondii (photo above) | 12 |
Pohlia nutans | 3 |
Pohlia wahlenbergii var. wahlenbergii | 26 |
Polytrichum commune var. commune | 2 |
Polytrichum commune var. perigoniale | 28 |
Polytrichum formosum | 5 |
Polytrichum juniperinum | 36 |
Polytrichum piliferum | 14 |
Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum | 2 |
Racomitrium aciculare | 1 |
Racomitrium aquaticum | 2 |
Racomitrium elongatum | 2 |
Racomitrium ericoides | 37 |
Racomitrium fasciculare | 1 |
Racomitrium lanuginosum | 3 |
Rhytidiadelphus loreus | 10 |
Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus | 35 |
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus | 1 |
Riccardia chamedryfolia | 6 |
Riccardia multifida | 1 |
Riccia glauca | 2 |
Riccia sorocarpa | 4 |
Scapania compacta | 1 |
Scapania irrigua | 35 |
Scapania nemorea | 5 |
Scapania scandica | 1 |
Scapania undulata | 2 |
Scleropodium purum | 15 |
Sphagnum denticulatum | 3 |
Sphagnum subnitens var. subnitens | 1 |
Thuidium tamariscinum | 12 |
Tortula truncata | 11 |
Trichostomum crispulum | 2 |
Weissia controversa var. controversa | 1 |
Weissia rutilans | 1 |
Weissia sp. | 1 |
2: sorted by number of records
Pogonatum urnigerum | 56 |
Pohlia annotina | 43 |
Racomitrium ericoides | 37 |
Polytrichum juniperinum | 36 |
Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus | 35 |
Scapania irrigua | 35 |
Jungermannia gracillima | 30 |
Campylopus subulatus | 29 |
Bryum alpinum | 28 |
Polytrichum commune var. perigoniale | 28 |
Hypnum lindbergii | 27 |
Philonotis fontana | 27 |
Pohlia wahlenbergii var. wahlenbergii | 26 |
Calliergonella cuspidata | 25 |
Ceratodon purpureus | 22 |
Hypnum jutlandicum | 22 |
Oligotrichum hercynicum | 20 |
Archidium alternifolium | 19 |
Didymodon fallax | 19 |
Nardia scalaris | 18 |
Atrichum undulatum | 16 |
Barbula unguiculata | 15 |
Scleropodium purum | 15 |
Bryum dichotomum | 14 |
Cratoneuron filicinum | 14 |
Polytrichum piliferum | 14 |
Campylopus introflexus | 12 |
Pohlia drummondii | 12 |
Thuidium tamariscinum | 12 |
Dicranella rufescens | 11 |
Dicranella varia | 11 |
Tortula truncata | 11 |
Rhytidiadelphus loreus | 10 |
Eurhynchium praelongum | 9 |
Fossombronia wondraczekii | 9 |
Breutelia chrysocoma | 8 |
Hylocomium splendens | 8 |
Pellia neesiana | 8 |
Pogonatum aloides | 8 |
Barbula convoluta var. convoluta | 7 |
Ditrichum cylindricum | 7 |
Ditrichum heteromallum | 7 |
Brachythecium rutabulum | 6 |
Bryum pseudotriquetrum s.l. | 6 |
Dicranum scoparium | 6 |
Diplophyllum albicans | 6 |
Lophocolea bidentata | 6 |
Pohlia camptotrachela | 6 |
Riccardia chamedryfolia | 6 |
Didymodon insulanus | 5 |
Pellia epiphylla | 5 |
Polytrichum formosum | 5 |
Scapania nemorea | 5 |
Brachythecium albicans | 4 |
Cephaloziella sp. | 4 |
Funaria hygrometrica | 4 |
Pleuridium acuminatum | 4 |
Riccia sorocarpa | 4 |
Bryoerythrophyllum ferruginascens | 3 |
Dicranella heteromalla | 3 |
Fissidens bryoides | 3 |
Fissidens taxifolius subsp. taxifolius | 3 |
Fossombronia pusilla | 3 |
Pleuridium subulatum | 3 |
Pohlia nutans | 3 |
Racomitrium lanuginosum | 3 |
Sphagnum denticulatum | 3 |
Blasia pusilla | 2 |
Brachythecium rivulare | 2 |
Bryum capillare var. capillare | 2 |
Bryum subapiculatum | 2 |
Campylopus pyriformis | 2 |
Dicranella palustris | 2 |
Dicranella staphylina | 2 |
Didymodon ferrugineus | 2 |
Ditrichum lineare | 2 |
Fissidens exilis | 2 |
Fossombronia incurva | 2 |
Fossombronia sp. | 2 |
Hypnum cupressiforme | 2 |
Marsupella emarginata var. emarginata | 2 |
Plagiomnium undulatum | 2 |
Polytrichum commune var. commune | 2 |
Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum | 2 |
Racomitrium aquaticum | 2 |
Racomitrium elongatum | 2 |
Riccia glauca | 2 |
Scapania undulata | 2 |
Trichostomum crispulum | 2 |
Aulacomnium palustre | 1 |
Bryum argenteum | 1 |
Bryum pallens | 1 |
Bryum rubens | 1 |
Cephalozia bicuspidata | 1 |
Cephaloziella divaricata | 1 |
Cephaloziella hampeana | 1 |
Ctenidium molluscum var. molluscum | 1 |
Dichodontium pellucidum | 1 |
Dichodontium sp. | 1 |
Dicranella schreberiana | 1 |
Dicranella subulata | 1 |
Dicranum majus | 1 |
Diplophyllum obtusifolium | 1 |
Ditrichum gracile | 1 |
Drepanocladus aduncus | 1 |
Fissidens celticus | 1 |
Gymnocolea inflata | 1 |
Jungermannia hyalina | 1 |
Mnium hornum | 1 |
Pellia endiviifolia | 1 |
Phaeoceros laevis | 1 |
Pleurozium schreberi | 1 |
Racomitrium aciculare | 1 |
Racomitrium fasciculare | 1 |
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus | 1 |
Riccardia multifida | 1 |
Scapania compacta | 1 |
Scapania scandica | 1 |
Sphagnum subnitens var. subnitens | 1 |
Weissia controversa var. controversa | 1 |
Weissia rutilans | 1 |
Weissia sp. | 1 |
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