Sunday, 27 March 2016


Bryological distractions during our Adder search at Nicholaston on Good Friday included Bryum algovicum (new for SS58), Ptychomitrim polyphyllum (first Gower Peninsula record), Racomitrum aciculare (seemingly uncommon in the lowlands) and Orthodontium lineare (a species I seem to be seeing a little more frequently this year).
rocks along lane at Nicholaston Grange with P. polyphyllum plants arrowed
Ptychomitrium polyphyllum 
Bryum algovicum in dunes below Crawley Bluff
B. algovicum exostome teeth with oblique articulations
Orthodontium lineare


  1. Are those blocks limestone or millstone grit Barry? Ptychomitrium growing directly on limestone would be an interesting record.

  2. There's a real mix of rocks there, which is reflected in the bryophytes. Not sure what rock the Ptychomitrium was on, but clearly not limestone and just on the one rock. I guess there's a mix of erratics deposited on Gower?
