Saturday, 11 February 2017

Well done Team!

I'm just finalising the 2016 Liverwort Year stats, and VC41 came =3rd in terms of the number of new (and debracketted) vice-county liverwort records made in 2016 with 6.  You/we were only beaten by Tyrone and East Donegal, which were visited by the BBS Summer Meeting, and Glamorgan drew with West Gloucestershire.  Breconshire came =6th with 3 NVCRs, beaten only by those four VCs and Ayrshire.  Of course, we could have had Phaeoceros carolinianus if the colony hadn't been steadfastly non-fertile until January 2017!

My top liverwort tips for 2017 NVCRs in Glamorgan or Brecon
are Telaranea europaea (above) or Cephalozia crassifolia...


  1. Ambitious, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Drepanolejeunea has to be a good bet...

  2. I have seen both of those liverworts on peaty ditch sides in conifer plantations in south-central Ireland, so they are on the move east. Drepanolejeunea is surely only a matter of time in VC41!
