Wednesday 27 December 2017

Epiphyte on an epiphyte

I've been keeping half an eye out for specimens of the Ulota crispa complex, but all I've found recently has been U. bruchii. However, a specimen of bruchii found today at Taf Fechan Forest (SO048167, VC42) was enlivened by a tiny plant of Colura calyptrifolia which was growing on one of the old, brown leaves at the base of the cushion. This was at 400m asl in a fairly open situation at the edge of the forestry plantation.


  1. It's about time I too put in some effort to look for the Ulota group; I may even give it an hour today? Interesting observation of the Colura. Yours sounds a clear cut case, but I often see small liverworts like Microlejeunea ulicina creeping around on tufts of Orthotrichum and Ulota which can look epiphyllous. I dont record these as such.

  2. Indeed. This one was firmly anchored to the Ulota - I should have got a photo.
