Friday 25 January 2019

Poking about in Bridgend

Nothing exciting to report from East Glamorgan I'm afraid, but I have made a couple of brief visits to tetrad SS97J on the way home from working in the Alun Valley. Most of this tetrad is dominated by Bridgend and Waterton Industrial Estates, but mercifully there is a 100m stretch of the Ewenny River in the south-west corner which has a convenient riverbank footpath. This helped boost the tetrad total to 57 taxa, including Cinclidotus fontinaloides, Didymodon sinuosus, Hygrohypnum fluviatile and Fissidens crassipes on a riverside rock.
The most surprising find was the first moss I saw after getting out of the car - several cushions of Dialytrichia mucronata on a wall top several metres above the Ewenny River. I've not seen it in such an exposed location before.
The previous week I'd called in at Bridgend Industrial Estate and recorded a few grots. There are plenty of vacant plots on the estate, so it is probably worth another pit stop sometime to mop up a few more species...

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