Saturday 30 April 2016

A quick splash in the Honddu

A 20 minute window before collecting two visitors from a train in Abergavenny gave me a chance to visit the Honddu at Pandy, and to finish off tetrad SO32G which I started on the hills in the early 2000s.  Fissidens crassipes (photo), F. pusillusHygroamblystegium tenax and Rhynchostegiella teneriffae were on sandstone rocks, forming part of the typical riverine assemblage in SE Wales.  Several epiphytes, including Leskea, Orthotrichum striatum, O. tenellum, Syntrichia papillosa and Ulota crispa, bruchii and phyllantha were also new for the tetrad.

Rhynchostegiella teneriffae was also present in a stream just east of Abergavenny (SO31C), which I knocked off in my lunch hour, and the same valley also held fragments of tufa that supported Eucladium and Didymodon tophaceus.  Finally, a railway bridge had some Schistidium elegantulum alongside abundant S. crassipilum.

So, two more VC35 tetrads up to par.  Still over 1/3 remain unrecorded though.

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