Saturday, 21 February 2015

Loch Sunart

During our trip to Scotland last week I was only able to squeeze in a little bit of bryologising. An hour and half in one of the famous ravines at Loch Sunart was quite a special experience even though it was pouring down, as it was most of our trip. I have a modest selection of unrecognised samples to go through, but it was good to see at least one instantly recognisable species - Herbertus aduncus (Juniper Prongwort).

Also scattered shoots of Anastrepta orcadensis (Orkney Notchwort) were found growing amongst the clumps of Herbertus aduncus.

Lots of Mylia taylorii (Taylor's Flapwort), most frequent on trees bases.

Odontoschisma denudatum (Matchstick Flapwort), locally frequent on decorticated logs.


  1. I'm looking forward to doing some bryology in Scotland, one day. Shame you had so much rain, but at least it kept those lovely liverworts looking nice for your photos.

  2. Thanks Charles. I've processed a few more but wont deluge the site with Scottish bryos (I'll post them on my moonmoths blog and provide a link from here). These were processed rather hurriedly and look a bit too warm, so I'll cool them down a bit when I get a chance.
